Toe Bumpers? What are they, you ask? They're like the bodyguard for your toes. They're more than just a layer of padding; they're a testament to comfort engineering, designed to be sleek enough to fit unnoticed in your footwear but sturdy enough to withstand the punishment of the road.
How Do They Work?
Toe Bumpers are made of a cotton/poly blend and extra toe cushioning material to prevent toe jams. Slip them on over your regular athletic socks. Once in place, they lessen the friction between your toes and the insides of your shoes. The result? Reduced risk of black toenails and a defense against runner's toe.
Comfort First, Always.
You might be wondering if the additional sock will cramp your shoes. The answer is no. Toe Bumpers® maintain the familiar feel of your footwear while adding an extra layer of cushioning, ensuring that your focus stays on the road ahead and not on blistering toes or toenail trauma.